Module symbol file for module mpi is in a format not recognized by this compiler error message

Module symbol file for module mpi is in a format not recognized by this compiler error message


Technote (troubleshooting)


Compilation of Fortran code that uses Parallel Environment (PE) Fortran 90 type-checking module mpi.mod (via USE MPI statement) fails with XL Fortran Enterprise Edition for AIX, V11.1 and earlier versions.


Consider Fortran source code that includes Parallel Environment (PE) Fortran 90 type-checking module mpi.mod:
      program test          
      use mpi                
      print *, 'testing mpi'  
      end program test      

Compiling this source code with XL Fortran Enterprise Edition for AIX, V11.1 or earlier version will cause compile time error:

1514-220 (S) Module symbol file for module mpi is in a format not recognized by this compiler. Please compile the module with this compiler.


The problem is caused by older version of XL Fortran compiler.

Resolving the problem

For new programs:

Compile the program with XL Fortran compiler Version 12.1 or later.

For existing programs:

Recompile the program with XL Fortran compiler Version 12.1 or later. Note that if you have an existing Fortran MPI program that is running without errors, there is no need to recompile it. Since the program is already running correctly, compiling it with the Fortran 90 module would provide no benefit.

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