[Vi/Vim] File explorer

The command :Explore opens the file explorer window.
Select a file or directory name and press Enter to open that file or directory. (For example :e /home/userdisplays the contents of that directory.)
To return to the explorer window, press Ctrl-^ (usually Ctrl-6).
You can also "edit" a directory to explore that directory. For example, :e .. lists files in the parent directory.

Other approachesEdit

In normal mode, type :e then press Space and Ctrl-D. That will list file names in the current directory. You can type a name and press Enter to edit that file.
If, for example, you want a name that starts with "get" type :e get then press Tab repeatedly, or Ctrl-D to list all matches.
Another possibility is to use a mapping like this:
map <F2> :!ls<CR>:e

출처 - http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/File_explorer


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